Fluxgate Magnetometer (MGF)

Measurement Principle

The Fluxgate Magnetometer onboard Mio (MGF) measures the magnetic field to study various magnetospheric processes (such as magnetic reconnection, field-aligned currents etc.) in Mercury’s magnetosphere, physics of bowshock and magnetosheath, also magnetic field properties in the inner-heliosphere. It consists of two tir-axial fluxgate magnetometers and power supply units. The magnetometer is able to observe the magnetic field with a vector rate of maximum 128 Hz.


Principal Investigator
Wolfgang Baumjohann (IWF, Austria)
Ayako Matsuoka (Kyoto University, Japan)
Support Scientists
Daniel Schmid (IWF, Austria), Yasuhito Narita (IWF, Austria)

Instrument Specifications

Mass MGF-O: 288 g
MGF-I: 414 g
Total: 766 g
Power MGF-O: 1.65W
MGF-I: 2.17 W
Total: 4.43 W
Dynamic range ± 2048 nT
Resolution 3.9 pT at 20-bit resolution
Vector rate max. 128 Hz
max. 128 Hz
Frequency range From DC to about 60 Hz in wave analyses
Noise level below 10 pT/Hz1/2 at 1 Hz
below 40 pT root-mean-square in the range 0.1–10 Hz