Plasma Wave Investigation - Mission Data Processor (MDP)

[Figure 5f of Kasaba et al., 2020a]

Measurement Principle

BepiColombo Mio has five payload groups, MGF, MPPE, PWI, MSASI, and MDM. These payloads operate through the Mission Data Processor (MDP) (Kasaba et al. 2020b) that acts as an integrated system for Hermean environmental studies by the in situ observation of charged and energetic neutral particles, magnetic and electric fields, plasma waves, dust, and the remote sensing of radio waves and exospheric emissions. The MDP-PWI (Kasaba et al. 2020a, 2020b) produces three kinds of coordinated data sets: Survey (L) mode for continuous monitoring, Nominal (M) mode for standard analyses of several hours in length (or more), and Burst (H) mode for analysis based on 4–20-min-interval datasets with the highest cadence. To utilize the limited telemetry bandwidth, nominal- and burst-mode data sets are partially downlinked after selections of data based on L- or L/M-mode data, respectively. Burst-mode data can be taken at preset timings, or by onboard automatic triggering.


Principal Investigator
Yasumasa Kasaba (Tohoku University, Japan)
Lead Co-Investigator
Yoshiya Kasahara (Kanazawa University, Japan)
Atsushi Kumamoto (Tohoku University, Japan)
Tomohiko Imachi (Kanazawa University, Japan)
Janos Lichtenberger (Eotvos University, Hungary)