Mercury Plasma Particle Experiments - Energetic Neutrals Analyzer (ENA)

[Fig 73 from Saito et al., 2021]

Measurement Principle

Energetic Neutrals Analyzer (ENA), one of the MPPE sensors onboard Mio, measures mass-identified energetic neutral atoms from 10 eV to 3.3 keV to study abundance of neutrals from the surface and coupling between the magnetosphere and exosphere at Mercury. It consists of conversion surface, photon absorbing surfaces, microchannel plates (MCPs), high-voltage supply units.


Principal Investigator
Stas Barabash (IRF, Sweden)
Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF, Sweden)
Manabu Shimoyama (IRF, Sweden)
Kazushi Asamura (ISAS/JAXA, Japan)
MEISEI Electric Co., Ltd. (Japan)
YS DESIGN Ltd. (Japan)

Instrument Specifications

Field of view 15 deg × 160 deg
Angular resolution 9 deg × 25 deg (FWHM)
Energy range 10 eV–3.3 keV
Energy resolution 0.5 (ΔE/E)
Mass resolution H, O and heavy particles
Geometrical factor 10 -2 cm2streV/eV/sector
Mass 2.13 kg
Power 4.42 W (secondary side)
Dimensions 258 mm × 127 mm × 223 mm (w/o thermal shield)
Data rate 0.5 kBytes/s (nominal) after factor 4 compression